Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Outtakes from the father's day photo session


I don't for a minute think that I'm a professional photographer but the fact that I don't chop off heads anymore or zoom in by pushing the camera far away from my eye means I've improved just a little. However, there's nothing like shooting children, your own children to bring you back to reality.

The DAD photos I showed the other day were part of the second attempt. My first attempt was a total flop. I was prepared. I got everyone fed and dressed early, picked a slightly overcast day to avoid the "I'm hoooootttt" complaints and set out with the expectation of shooting the two older boys for about 10 minutes, then the baby and finally 5 minutes to see if I could get a group shot. Oh my goodness it was a hysterical failure.

I'm not going to look at you. It's so hotttt. The sun is too bright.


Are we done yet? Mind you, these were the first two shots.


I finally get him to look in my general direction while engaging his firefighter talk and he keeps furtively talking while looking down. About 35 shots of him furrowing his brow while asking me how various things can "get on fire".


Second verse, same as the first. Oh wow momma look at this letter. How about you look at momma instead?


Not as long as I'm three years old. Ooooh, it's a mask! Of course this couldn't be easy.


Baby was just interested in eating the letters.


Once she realized that the letters were not edible she moved onto the grass. Apparently she needs more roughage.


Finally, I attempt to get a group shot. It's mayhem at first.


Look momma, I can pat the baby like a dog.


What's my second son doing? Apparently this is his way of protesting the unwanted photographs.


Finally get the second boy to sit down and the baby lets all heck break loose because she's tired of being touched. Poor thing to have been born third.


I'm outta here.


Momma please let me take picture? Okay kiddo, if you sit down and let me take some nice pictures of all of you together I'll let you snap a couple of pictures. I'm not above bribery once a year.


It looks like the group photo might just happen, but seeing that he's going to throw his little sister off on a touchy fit again I tell him to keep his hands to himself.


He's offended, baby's giving me the evil eye and my oldest sneezes.


Can he look any unhappier? Older brother wisely informs me, "momma, I think he's upset you told him to stop touching our sister." The baby is d.o.n.e.


I let them hang out on the grass for a while to see if I can at least get some interesting candids. Baby is looking off into the distance at the younger brother who wandered off.


He returns and streaks in front of the camera.


Momma, me play duck, duck, goose. After this, I finally threw in the towel and headed back inside. We did go out later on and shot a slew of nice group shots that were beautiful.

Too bad I forgot to put my memory card back in the camera.


The second photo shoot, they did so well for the individual shots that I attempted to take another decent group shot. Lookee here, they're all smiling. Too bad they're all looking down.


Another moment where I did something to offend him and I can't even remember what.


Finally! Success. A halfway smile from the three year old, baby looking in the general direction of the front and a cropped head of the oldest from another shot artfully photoshopped in place. Phew! I think photographers that shoot siblings are geniuses and worth their weight in gold.



Marin!! said...

You know I truly appreciate how difficult it is to get a bunch of kids to take a good pic! I was just visiting my sis and she has 4 kids so I was forever trying to get 5 kids to look at me at the same time.

I have to say, though, I love the 1st pic. The looks on the boys' faces is hilarious!

MommaMari said...

LOL Marin. More and more I concur with your husband on photographing little boys under the age of 8. I'm just glad to find a purpose for the no-goes without having to print them up.

Ironically R. loves to see himself in photos just on his terms.