Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ahhhh, sweet mystery of life at last I found thee . . .

During my fabric store run the other day I saw some wooden wands in the $1 section right before checkout. I grabbed some and headed home thinking it might be a quick decorating thing for the boys and help ease the mommy guilt of having left a three year old at home who tearfully exclaimed, "momma you no go fabric store without me!" As I entered the door upon my return he was going to continue right where he left off until he saw my hands. Cue the music, maestro:

I love when my head adds a little soundtrack to the day don't you? The boys lovvvved those wands immediately. I took out the markers and let them go to town while I prepped dinner.


Presto! Two colorful wands and two happy little boys who spent a whole afternoon like a set of comic book heroes uttering, "kapow! tada! voila! abracadabra!" Of course, within minutes we had a casualty. All the kapows made a wand head fall off the handle. Nothing a little overnight therapy with some E6000 couldn't fix (that's my duct tape of choice lately).


However, someone left his wand under the 36" threshhold of his little sister's reach and once she saw it, it was time to cue the music all over again.


Daddy? Daddy who?


Sigh, I completely understand. I get the same way around fabric.


Ms Moreno said...

That last pic is the sweetest pic ever!

Morgan said...

the music's perfect. How fun!!

MommaMari said...

Hey you! Thanks for the visit and the walk down memory lane. ;)