Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hey Chicken Little . . .

The sky is falling, the sky is falling! At least if you were to believe the local media who had their reporters staked out at every grocery store Thursday to get the latest status report on who was running out of bread, milk and eggs. Friday was the big day for s-n-o-w.

Mr. Maricucu laughs at me because I don't watch the weather, I just stick my head out the front door sometime in the morning and make a good guess for the rest of the day. Which is why the mass hysteria at Costco on Thursday was a surprise. I was doing my annual "grocery shop before Christmas so I don't have to step foot in a store until after the 26th" run.


How much snow were we central North Carolinians expected to receive you say? A whopping two inches that didn't even stick to the ground.


For those of you not living in the South that little dusting paralyzes the city. Schools shut down, businesses have employees telecommute because the kids are at home and the department of transportation hauls out the salt trucks for the main highways only. See? No snow on the ground.


Of course he had to taste it. Who knows if he caught it or picked it up off the ground. I'm not even sure I want to know.


Can you tell my second son was thrilled to be out in the cold? He wouldn't last a minute up north.


My Frankensteinish project continues. As you might have guessed I'm working on baby's waldorf doll and for now all I have to show for it is a bunch of limbs which thankfully were stuffed full of wool after these pictures.


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