Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oh ye of twitchy organizational urges . . .

. . . avert your eyes. If you're the least bit bothered by mess, disorganization or displacement of items you've been warned.


Now for the rest of us who live in reality (kidding!) here's the current state of my sewing room. I figured since I've got a bunch of stuff in progress but nothing actually finished quite yet I'd 'fess up to my mental block. It's all my own doing of course. I imagine some sort of self sabotage if you want to get all phsycho-babble but really out of the many works-in-progress I have about three items that are in the last step of completion and I can't stand to look at them. Happens every time, I'm giddily working on something at quite the clip when I'm nearing the end and I set it aside. Fear of not getting the project right, my procrastination at actually packaging (if it's a gift) or just feeling blegh. Either way, said item will sit on that mess of a cutting table not only unfinished but also blocking the way to working on anything else. If anything I'm quite self-aware of my limitations and quirks.


But! There's hope! At some point soon I will go on a finishing rampage and clean the sewing room. Then I'll sit and stare at it for fear of making a mess all over again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Behold my ironing board. Filled to the brim with prewashed fabric that Mr. Maricucu finally tired of having to work around in the laundry room. Underneath, more prewashed fabric overflowing from a laundry basket that I was in the process of pressing enthusiastically - before I got pregnant.


Finally at least some progress. My little girl's waldorf doll body parts and the rest of the supplies all rounded up in one box to take out in the evenings. For now she pats the wool batting gladly. On top, the fingerless mitt I've now had to pull apart a record three times just to get the buttonhole for my thumb the right size. Apparently aside from my man-sized head (long story) I must have man-sized thumbs to match.


Signed, Marielle. Your local spastic and unproductive crafter.

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