Monday, January 11, 2010

Profile of an artist.

Another post on one of my budding artists. Around here each child has crayons and huge amounts of blank paper at their disposal. Every now and then I'll break out the markers too but those require a bit more supervision. It seems I have a couple of taggers in my home. Yup, I used to tag my notebooks and books in school (don't laugh, my tag was "Saint") while my children prefer to be authentic and tag their walls and bedroom furniture. Because of that and because the baby finds markers absolutely delicious and chews the tips off, the markers require a pair of grownup eyes.


So it was quite eye opening to see what the last marker session produced. Voila, my six year old, deep in artistic expression.


This time I also scanned the picture to give you a better look. Now I'm not saying Tim Burton needs to be quaking in his boots (yet) but I'm just enthralled at his growing attention to detail. Upon brief questioning he told me this was an accidental match fire out of control. Thankfully (for my own peace of mind) his fire illustrations lately seem to center around a moral lesson of what not to do vs. smiles and dreamy thoughts of what would happen if his momma plugged in too many appliances.


And just so you don't think this artist takes himself too seriously, here you go.



  1. Great picture! He lost another front tooth.

  2. Aww thanks! I passed on the comment to the artist and he said to say thank you.

  3. Your boys crack me up with the fire obsession- my youngest may be on that path too. But your boys are very artistic! So cute.

  4. I am totally going to have to track down the pictures from our house fire. I bet Mr. Fire Safety would get a kick out of seeing them! :)

  5. Denise that's good to hear another very normal little boy is into the fire thing.

    Marin, unbelievably you would raise your already pretty cool status to cool beyond words in his world if you ever tracked those down.

  6. Esther is totally enamored here! We're both impressed with his detailed artwork. I love your blog. :D

  7. Thanks Ash! I relayed the message to the artist and he's had quite the biggest grin on his face since realizing others are appreciating his work.
