Saturday, August 15, 2009

D, you rock


I swear if I were pregnant my next child would be named after the friend who gave me a bunch of jalapenos from her garden and the other friend who made the delivery. Why? Because I was able to enjoy these Pioneer Woman poppers for the first time.


Mmmmm. It's no surprise that in my "pantry staples" are things like cream cheese and bacon. So what else am I supposed to think when I get a bunch of jalapenos? I was going to be good and save them to make some pepper jelly but then the afternoon munchies hit and the oldest was begging to taste the jalapenos since he's been on a spicy kick lately. Poppers it was and oh my goodness. My throat is still a little sore but it was totally worth it.

Once they were out of the oven and only about five minutes into cooling, he begged to taste and popped one in his mouth.


Wait for it . . .

Wait for it . . .

Now! If you think that stopped him, you're wrong. Apparently Evil Knievel wanted more burn and he proceeded to eat his weight in jalapeno, cream cheese and bacon.


The younger one is not so fond of anything spicy so I figured he would sit this one out but once he saw the bacon wrapping he begged to try them.


Although he lunged for the water, he pressed on peeling the bacon and eating the cream cheese off the subsequent bites.


Mmmmmmm. I'm drooling just looking at these pictures and Pioneer Woman's suggestion of putting a couple of these on a burger has now become a mission.


In other pepper fronts, my jungle, um garden is producing. I braved the weeds to pick up these peppers, tomatoes and tons of herbs to make a lasagna the other night that according to Mr. Maricucu was, "the best one yet". I guess all that back breaking dirt hauling in the spring was worth it.



  1. I'm so glad you liked them...just let me know when you need more! My pepper patch shows no signs of slowing down.

  2. LOL - you are a generous soul. Might have to take you up on the offer and see if I get around to that pepper jelly. Makes a mean coleslaw too.
