Wednesday, January 6, 2010

He noticed.


As I had my blog window opened to respond to some comments he asked me, "Momma, where my birthday pictures?" Wow. He noticed that I hadn't uploaded his birthday pictures just yet. I was getting around to it but that question lit a fire under this procrastinator.

The poor kid was so sick that day we quarantined his candles to only his piece of birthday cake.


Aunt H. and Uncle G. sent the coolest gift ever.


Even older brother agreed (and looked on in anticipation of taking a turn).


Abuelo and Abuela came through with what's been dubbed "my coolest watch ever". He doesn't know how to tell time yet but he certainly likes to tell me "momma you running out of time." Great, someone else to point out my constant hectic pace.

Mr. Maricucu, thoroughly enjoying buying for older boys, picked out an awesome Darda racetrack with those wonderful (and battery free!) crank motor cars. Definitely a hit and I can tell a certain big kid would have loved one as a kid himself. I don't know, maybe it was in how much pleasure he took putting the thing together. It's okay honey, I pet fabric and yarn. We all have our ticks.


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